How To Build An Interest Driven Sales Funnel

Make More Money With Interest Driven Sales Funnels

The “Set It And Forget It” Marketing Strategy That Works


I know what you’re thinking … “Oh god, another ‘make money without working’ ploy.”

I’m sure I overdid it with the “set it and forget it” line.

But … if you’ll give me a minute … you’ll begin to understand what I mean …

Tailored Content Converts Better & People Expect It

Think about yourself for a minute.

You only care about what you care about … enlightening, I know.

But really, Facebook only shows you what your friends are up to. Twitter and Instagram show you what the people you follow are doing. Craigslist detects where you’re located and presents listings that are nearby and Google displays local listings before going broad.

It’s all tailored to you.

If it wasn’t, you wouldn’t care and these companies would go out of business.

Behavioral Targeting Gauges Interest

But what happens when it’s not social media and you’re not adding all of your friends, following people, and inputting interests and hobbies?

What happens when your location isn’t detected or it’s not even relevant?

How do you tell what someone cares about?

Their behaviors.

What are they clicking on? What are the reading? What are they watching? Where are they spending their time?

All of these questions are easy to answer, track, and the results turn into incredibly targeted marketing.

Email Marketing Is The Catalyst

You’ve heard it before …

“The money is in the list.”

Email’s power in converting leads and prospects into buyers is unparalleled by other marketing methods.

What makes email so powerful?

It’s a direct line of communication that allows you to engage with the individual – it’s straight from you, to them – there’s no middlemen.

Plus …

  • 81% of US online shoppers are more likely to make additional purchases, either online or in a store, as a result of emails based on previous shopping behaviors and preferences. [source]
  • 72% of consumers say that email is their favored conduit of communication with companies they do business with. 61% say they like to receive promotional emails weekly and 28% want them even more frequently. [source]
  • 68% of consumers find email to be their #1 preferred channel for receiving commercial messages. [source]
  • 66% of consumers have made a purchase online as a direct result of an email marketing message. [source]

Set It And Forget It … Explained!

The email marketing tools available are so powerful that when you set them up correctly, you’re able to send tailored content based on behaviors (interests) … automatically.

Once your interest driven sales funnel is setup … it will do “its thing.”

The interest driven sales funnel will send emails to gauge interest. When an interest is shown, it will send more emails tailored specifically to that interest and since there’s no middleman with email marketing – this communication is direct and personalized … which leads to increased conversions.

Again, once it’s setup – it’s all automated.

You could literally set it and forget it … and it will keep going.

Of course, you’ll probably want to enhance it, optimize it, and add to it because once you start to see the results … you won’t want to stop; however, that’s just more icing on the cake and doesn’t have to be done all at once.

Makes Advertising Cheaper And Easier

When you have an interest driven sales funnel for your business your advertising becomes cheaper, easier, and way more effective.

You’ll no longer need to advertise individual products and services to people … spending countless hours and dollars trying to optimize your campaigns through targeting, advertisements, copy, landing pages … the whole gamut.

You’ll only need to advertise your interest driven sales funnel and let it gauge interest, send tailored content, and drive sales.


What Does It Look Like?

Interest Driven Sales Funnel

Streamlined Email Segmentation

When it comes down to it, an Interest Driven Sales Funnel is a modular, plug & play, form of email segmentation … based on, you guessed it … interests.

Based on the particular interest (segment) the lead expresses, they’re then taken through a series of emails that produce action (sales), and are followed up with even more action producing emails (upsell series) … maximizing your customers’ value all in an automated fashion.

And what does this type of interest based segmentation do to the bottom line?

Well, there have been numerous studies on how email segmentation impacts the bottom line, most notably MailChimp’s most recent study on how segmentation affects opens, clicks, bounces, abuse reports, and unsubscribers.

Here are a few of the results:

  • Opens: 10.96% higher than non-segmented campaigns
  • Clicks: 72.37% higher than non-segmented campaigns (huge!)
  • Abuse Reports: 20.39% lower than non-segmented campaigns
  • Unsubscribes: 22.09% lower than non-segmented campaigns

What Are Some Business That Segment Based On Interests?

Amazon (Ecommerce)

Do a search for anything on Amazon and they’ll throw everything they can at you to motivate you to take an action. For example, the other day I was searching for a pair of running shoes on Amazon and before I knew it, their homepage had changed to show me pairs of running shoes, ads started popping up on Facebook, CNN, and even Pixlr with running shoes, and of course emails started arriving in my inbox … with … you guessed it … information about running shoes!

Zapier (SaaS)

Zapier is an amazing tool that connects other tools, services, and apps together. For example, I could use Zapier to connect my Instagram account to a folder on Dropbox so every Instagram photo I take is automatically saved to Dropbox.

But, what they do is “see” what apps individuals are using and send emails recommending different Zaps people can use to increase their productivity while simultaneously attempting to sell their paid services.

Pat Flynn (Blogger)

Pat Flynn is a blogger and entrepreneur that runs one of the biggest and most well respected internet marketing blogs on the web called Smart Passive Income.

He recently revealed the insides of one of his autoresponder email series and, wouldn’t you know it … he’s segmenting individuals into what he calls “buckets” … aka … specific interests and goals based off of what people click on within his emails. [source]

What’s Included?

How Do I Get Started & How Much Does It Cost?

Let me put things into perspective.

The sole purpose of an Interest Driven Sales Funnel is to increase your revenue by converting more leads into customers and by maximizing their lifetime value.

Also, I’ve spent the better part of three years building email marketing systems like this one and you can do the same thing – spend three years of your life, trying to figure this stuff out.

Or, you can take advantage of my experience, massively accelerating your learning curve from three years to a day if you really, really, want. More realistically, a couple of weeks.

What’s that amount of time savings worth to you?

Then there’s the decrease in advertising costs. You’ll no longer have to spend money and time developing and testing advertising campaigns for every new product you launch, instead you’ll only have to advertise your Interest Driven Sales Funnel and let it do the selling for your new products and services.

Now, considering the profit maximization, time savings, and decrease in advertising costs … what’s the course worth to you?

My guess … thousands.

But, I’m not going to charge that much … yet.

Some of the modules are still being built, tweaked, and optimized. (don’t let that scare you, it’s more than enough to guide you through implementing the Interest Driven Sales Funnel you’ve seen above.)

Once these final modules are built, tweaked, and optimized the price will jump.

My recommendation – get in before the jump …

Try It!

  • Modules 1 thru 5.1
  • Welcome Series Template (docx & pdf)

Instant Access!

  • All Modules
  • 9 Email Series Templates
  • Technical Support Forums

The Vault!

  • 6 Full Courses
  • 1 Mini-Course
  • 9 Email Series Templates
  • The Sales Funnel Book
  • Lifetime Updates
  • Technical Support Forums

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

For whatever reason during the first 60 days, if you are not 100% satisfied with the How To Build An Interest Driven Sales Funnel course, you can request an immediate refund.

I recommended a product: Crazy Funnels – A weapon for building email marketing, sales funnel, list building…

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What tools do I need?
A: You will need ActiveCampaign. It’s the best email autoresponder tool I’ve ever used and it’s the tool we’ll use in the course. Plus there’s a 14 day, no credit card required, free trial … so, you might as well check it out.

I also cover OptinMonster and LeadPages in two different lessons; however, these tools are not required.

Q: What type of businesses is this course for?
A: Most. Since the sales funnel is driven by interests … as long as you have customers with interests … you’ll be able to apply this concept to your business. But, throughout the course I reference small businesses, brick & mortar businesses, digital products businesses, consultants, bloggers, “good” affiliate marketers, and ecommerce stores.

At the very least, you should try it out and see if it’s for you!

Try It!

  • Modules 1 thru 5.1
  • Welcome Series Template (docx & pdf)

Instant Access!

  • All Modules
  • 9 Email Series Templates
  • Technical Support Forums

The Vault!

  • 6 Full Courses
  • 1 Mini-Course
  • 9 Email Series Templates
  • The Sales Funnel Book
  • Lifetime Updates
  • Technical Support Forums

Related :

  1. Sales Funnel Consulting and Coaching Services
  2. Sales Funnel Service

Title: Course: Interest Driven Sales Funnels

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